An online webinar was recorded to explain how resident feedback has influenced the master plan.
This webinar was conducted for those who could not attend the in-person events held in December to discuss the changes.
An online webinar was recorded to explain how resident feedback has influenced the master plan.
This webinar was conducted for those who could not attend the in-person events held in December to discuss the changes.
The community in Druids Heath has had the opportunity to see the masterplan for the regeneration of Druids Heath for the first time.
Members of the Druids Heath community gathered to see the final masterplan, following a period of consultation over the summer for the regeneration of Druids Heath at an event at Manningford Hall on 3 December.
The masterplan lays out ambitious plans to transform the estate that delivers affordable, good quality homes, maximises green spaces and delivers infrastructure in the community that will ensure a sustainable community for years to come. Around 3,500 homes will be provided and made to be more sustainable and energy efficient.
The regeneration programme prioritises a focus on delivering genuinely affordable homes, supporting the existing community as well as bringing new faces to the estate.
Over the past 2 years, the council has been talking with and listening to the community to create a plan that can meet the needs of the people who live and work in Druids Heath. The Council entered a formal consultation period with the community throughout the summer months which concluded in October 2024.
Staff were at the launch event to answer questions and show how the community had influenced and changed the plans. More events are planned over the next few days.
The council will submit the plans for planning approval next year.
Councillor Jayne Francis, cabinet member for housing and homelessness, said:
"The masterplan marks the beginning of a new chapter for the regeneration of Druids Heath.
"This regeneration will build the types of homes we need to tackle climate change, reduce fuel bills, and contribute to the city's net zero ambitions.
"The plans take advantage of the estate's key strengths - community spirit and abundance of green space - to make a healthier, more sustainable place to live.
"Residents have been vital to ensuring this plan delivers for Druids Heath. The most common comment was that the timescales for the plan were too long, so we have changed the plans to deliver faster.
"Regenerations affect people's homes and can be a significant cause of distress for residents. To help, we will appoint independent advisors to advise homeowners throughout the process to ensure our residents feel supported and informed. We will also hold regular in-person drop-in sessions for people to ask any questions."
"We also understand residents' concerns about being priced out of the area. For this reason, the council is looking at how we can use different financial models to give residents an opportunity to remain on the estate. We will let residents know more about these models as soon as we are able. It is really important to the council that everyone who wants to stay in Druids Heath can do so.
"Regenerating an area is always a lengthy process. For this reason, the council will bolster services for tenants on the estate by installing more CCTV, implementing a specific repairs service for Druids Heath, and increasing cleaning provision to tackle fly-tipping."
The Druids Heath Steering Group is now up and running and we have had three formal meetings as well as planning meetings on key topics such as the procurement of a developer. The meetings have generated several key questions which have been put to the council and have been answered. These will be published on the new dedicated Druids Heath website when it is launched.
Everyone who attends the steering group is given the opportunity to have their say to ensure that all voices are heard. Key topics explored to date include the masterplan, procurement of a developer and the council’s engagement plan with residents. Resident questions and answers to these topics have been included in the formal procurement process to help the council find the best developer for the estate.
We have four meetings scheduled leading up to April 2025. There are still a couple of places available on the Steering Group. If you would like to be part of the group, you can send them an email.